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Book Scanning

Book Scanning

Books & Delicate Items Scanning/Digitisation

Digitisation of books and delicate items

If you need to preserve valuable books and still have full access to their contents, or if your drawings or plans are becoming fragile and suffering damage from handling, data conversion to an electronic format is the solution.

Book scanning, and the scanning of large or small format delicate documents, will prevent further degradation of your valuable materials whilst allowing fast, full and convenient digital access.

Transmedia delivers tailored solutions to suit your exact requirements. 

Management of books and documents

Precious items can be scanned and converted to electronic format at your own premises if required. Alternatively they can be transported to be scanned at our premises via our fleet of secure GPS tracked vehicles.

We scan books up to A1 and fragile documents such as plans and drawings up to 42 inches wide. We offer a variety of different output file types, including print-ready PDFs for republishing books.

The scanned files can be easily duplicated in our printing and reprographics department, thus reducing the risks of losing critical or precious documents.

Non-destructive handling

Utilising flatbed and V-cradle scanners, you can be assured that even your most delicate books will be scanned without harm.

Books are scanned intact without the need to remove or damage the spine. Fragile paper documents and plans are scanned individually on a flatbed, avoiding the damage that could be caused by the use of automatic document feeders/rotary scanners.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, get a no obligation quote, or have a free sample produced from your originals, then please contact us here.

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